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Learning Boards

Fabulous for home and school (Learning Centre)

The Magic Words Learning Boards match the sheets (from the Magic Words Literacy Manuals) that are used in schools and sent home for learning the Magic Words, which are the most frequently used words in reading and writing.

Successful readers know the Magic Words, and, by playing exciting games on the Magic Words Learning Boards along with the Magic Words Playing Cards, all children can accelerate their reading, increase their fluency and develop comprehension and writing skills.

Games to play on the Magic Words Learning Boards

Other Games

  1. Tick the words on your Learning Board when you find them in books.

  2. Say the words on your Learning Board every day.

  3. Look at all the Learning Boards and find all the two/three/four letter words.

  4. Underline all the little words you find within the words on your Learning Board. "when" - he, hen

  5. Look at all the Learning Boards and circle all the doing words (verbs).

  6. Circle the words that are repeated.

  7. Circle the words that rhyme.


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